About us

Hi, My name is Jerry Ouellette and I’m the founder of this website.

I created The Drone Guide after I got frustrated about the low-quality self-serving drone information I found online. 

Jerry Ouellette

I brought drones several times and was eventually satisfied with my purchases.

I also helped some friends to buy their drone and it was then I wondered how painful it was to find a drone that suited my need, I was sure that there are others like me.

So I headed out gathered what other buyers said about the drones they brought and even tried my hands on several drones.

I eventually managed to answer most of the questions that arise in your mind when you’re about to buy a drone. 

On this website, I made an effort to put together the content I never found online when I tried buying a drone for myself. 

I hope this website serves the purpose.

Jerry Ouellette
Founder of TheDroneGuide